Build YOUR Marketing agency and EARN AN EXTRA £2-3K PER MONTH

Learn the exact steps on how to build your own marketing agency. Whether you are a complete beginner or a freelancer looking to level up, Agency Architecture will teach you how to achieve success.

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Trusted by agency owners worldwide.

Ever feel like you have loads of potential but don’t know where to start?

The world has seen a boom recently in the “wifi money” space. Wealth is abundant out there but most people’s issue is not knowing how to access it.

Whether you are an existing agency owner with your first couple of clients, FreElancer or a complete beginner, agency architecture will teach you how to build and scale a Marketing agency to unlock your time and earning potential.

This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, this course aims to get you earning and learning in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.



    6 phases and 25+ lessons teaching you exactly how to start, run and scale your own marketing agency (from someone who‘s been running an agency for the past 5 years). All of these lessons have been professionally recorded and structured with actionable tasks to help you digest and action the content as easily as possible.


    It’s so much easier to run a business when you have great people around you to share advice, recommendations and knowledge with. The Agency Architecture community will be there to hold you accountable. Upon completing Agency Architecture you will be invited to join an invite only community that is reserved for all graduates and more advanced agency owners.


    “The Foundation.” is a community of agency owners further along in their journeys. Once you graduate from Agency Architecture you will be invited to join The Foundation alongside other existing agency owners. Myself and special guest speakers host 3/4 calls per month covering all aspects of running and scaling an agency.


    Regular workshops will be held for all students, these will be on requested topics. Every workshop will be recorded and added to the dashboard.


    Ask all and any questions into the community. If you do not have an answer from one of your fellow peers within 24hrs then I will answer it personally!


    As standard the course comes with a beautifully designed and easy-to-follow worksheet which details the lessons covered inclusive of tasks and summaries. regular books, podcasts and other helpful resources will also be shared in the community.


    Regular awards will be given out for things such as “Agency of the Month” and “Community Contributor”. Awards will also be given out for student wins in terms of hitting certain revenue markers.


    Access to invite-only masterminds with myself, special guest speakers and other students. This is a great opportunity to knowledge share, upskill and connect with the community in person.


    I will be accessible 24/7 to help you throughthe course as well as answer any queries you may have. I’d always encourage you to reach out for advice!

What our Students say

The objective of this course is to deliver pure value in the simplest and most digestable way possible to get you earning extra income ASAP. See what our students say.

  • “I found out how to attract the clients I want to be working with.”

    Joel A.

  • “Our success rate has gone up 100%, AA is brilliant”

    Lucy R.

  • “If you want more customers & revenue this is the course for you.”

    LEE G.

Hi, I’m LUIS… 🏛️

The truth is building a marketing agency is really not that hard. There is no crazy secret to it like the online “gurus” make out. In addition to this, a lot of these people have never actually run a successful marketing agency…

I created Agency Architecture to show people just like you how to build and scale your marketing agency, oh and by the way I’ve been in the exact same position you are in and have now been running my agency since 2019.

This course will teach you how to capture the low-hanging fruit, create some quick wins and give you the foundations to go and unlock your earning potential. The truth is, this course isn’t going to teach you how to make 30/40K per month to begin with, but rather an extra 2-5K per month. Mastering these basics is essential before scaling up significantly.

The bottom line is if you want to stop trading your time for money, work from anywhere in the world and be able to wake up every day doing something you are truly passionate about then I’d love to show you how. That’s my promise to you.

With the courage to begin and the discipline to endure, victory is only a matter of time.

What the course teaches… SNEAK PEEK.

Agency Architecture is split into 6 phases and 29+ lessons. The course is designed for you to complete in a linear fashion with actionable tasks at the end of each phase to guide you through the setup of your agency right through to the service delivery. Click “Watch the walkthrough” for a sneak peek inside of the course.

get the first Module for free!

I’m so confident in Agency Architecture’s ability to provide value to you that I am going to give you access to the first module entirely for free along with access to the FREE community. The free module includes the below lessons.

✓ Laying the foundations for your agency
✓ Building an unstoppable mindset
✓ How to build a value proposition
✓ Putting your agency on the map
✓ Networking 101
✓ Confidence building ✓ Eliminating the BS from your life







Apply now

Agency Architecture is application-only. Please fill in the form below to register your interest.


The only difference between me and you is that I have started. I know that if you are reading this and have got this far that you know that you can be doing more with your time then you currently are. It’s time to take action and start unlocking your potential.

  • Join the course of which the content has been curated specifically for complete beginners with no experience running an agency as well as new agency owners looking to get their first clients.

  • Work your way through over 30+ lessons showing you how to start and launch your agency as well as attract your first clients. Each lesson has been filmed and edited professionally for an optimal viewing experience. Each lesson also comes with a bespoke worksheet with actionable tasks for you to complete.

  • Once you have completed the Agency Architecture course you will be invited to join "The Foundation". This community is made up of more experienced agency owners who have both graduated from the course or already have founded pre-existing agencies.


Before Agency Architecture was released, it was trialed with my one-to-one mentor clients. Gianni was one of the first Beta testers for the course and his review after completing it speaks for itself…

“Agency Architecture has fundamentally changed who I am”


I get it, you have some questions. As you should if you are intending to part with your money. Below are the most common questions we get asked, if you require any further information please reach out to my team.

    • 30+ Professionally filmed lessons 

    • Bespoke lesson worksheets

    • Private community

    • Monthly Q&A

    • Ongoing content library

    • 12 Months access to the community

  • Simply put no. What I will say for total honesty is you need to be prepared to put in the work, if you follow the lessons and then have the courage to implement the learnings you will succeed. This course is for people who want to build a foundation to earn an extra £2000-3000 per month. No matter your personal or professional background.

  • architecture



    1. 1.

      the art or practice of designing and constructing.

    The core of Agency Architecture is designing and building your agency.

  • There’s roughly 4 hours of video content, combined with the tasks and end of phase projects you can expect to work through the course anywhere between 1-3 weeks. (All depending on how quickly you complete tasks.)

  • The current price of the course is $999, THIS WILL INCREASE as the community grows.

  • The biggets friction point I see in online education is when people do not apply the information they are taught

    1) efficiently and properly

    2) in a short enough timeframe

    The more you put into building your agency the more you will get out. For some people that could be days, for others it could be months. If you don't want put in the hard work then don't buy this course.

  • The course is built to give you the foundational basics to start your agency and deliver simple services to clients (just like I did when I started). If you follow this course step by step and task by task you will have a functioning agency by the end of it.

  • As the lessons are designed linearly you can move through the course at your own pace. Ultimately the quicker you move through the course the quicker you can start reaping the rewards of running your agency.

  • Yes, you can!

    Certain elements of the course are UK-specific such as setting up a UK bank account and LTD company however the same process can be applied in your home country retrospectively. Most of the lessons are universal and the true value of the course is in these universal lessons.

  • There are no refunds under any circumstances due to the digital nature of the product.


The reality is this course isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. We only want people to be part of Agency Architecture who genuinely want to work to better themselves and their future along with doing whatever is needed to make that happen.

Who this is for

✓ Beginner agency owners & freelancers
✓ People looking to earn an extra 2-3K per month
✓ Have an open mind
✓ Can commit to completing the course
✓ Complete beginners looking to break into the online world

Who this isn’t for

✗ People with poor work ethic
✗ Agency owners earning above 10K per month
✗ Don’t have any time to learn new skills
✗ Not open to change
✗ Have an ego

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